Check these guys out through their site at they are great people with awesome critters! I can't

1.0 pinstripe - 100$
1.0 Lemonblast - 275$ (because he hasnt eaten)
0.1 Lemonblast - 450
0.1 Super Pastel - 400

0.1 Spider Adult - 800
1.0 pewter poss het pied- 450
0.1 pinstripe- 500
-still need to be sexed-
male- 200
female- 300

male- 700
female- 900
I need all you NY, NJ, MA, PA herpers etc.! To go check this site out Mark and Jen are putting on a great show in the Poughkeepsie Civic Center! I'd like to give a FREE GIFT to someone!.... If you will be visiting the show go to my face book and share the link with this post, and post about your experience at the Hudson Valley Reptile Expo or any NY expo you have been to or would like to...... I will pick a random winner and they can receive their FREE PRIZE at the Expo this Sunday September 25th! We will be vending there and we will have Dubia Roaches, Madagascar hissers, Meal worms, Ball pythons, Crested geckos, Boas, plants and more!.... Don't miss it!........
There is one definite het for pied female ringers, tracks and all that good stuff, guess I'll have to hold her back and make some pieds in a couple! 1 bee and 1 really nice spider poss het pied?.... she might be held back to prove out het pied or's some pics of the het.....
tracks & ringer
ringer #2 same snake
We got 3 "normals"poss het pied with markers, 1 spider{poss het pied} and 1 bee the real challenging part is guessing who's truly het pied in this split clutch. The 100% het pied spent the most time with the spider solid locks but it seems like the pastel slipped one in as well!...... When I sell these "normals" I will sell the ones with markers as cheap Poss het pied without a %, but I do have markers!, and some really washed out grey colors. I will probably hold back the bee, and take offers on the spider at the Poughkeepsie show.
Pandora {normal} X Pastels and RDR Ax 66% het snow.
3 pastels 2 "normals". Have not sexed them yet....
Help us help John out, If we had the land they'd all be spoken for already but until then if you can give them a home John would be happy to have you take a look and make an offer. Contact him through the link below

3 Patagonian Cavy
2 Bobcats
A herd of Goats
Much more is available...... first come.... {some animals do require dec\usda permits and approved housing}
She caught me by surprise and went early usually I would have taken out her bedding and given her sphagnum moss, buy 5 healthy eggs with good veins!  another better pic of mom with the eggs to follow!
We're off to a late start but.... a good one! That's one more egg than last year and these eggs are big!
Can't wait to see what comes out she was bred to 3 pastels and my RDR Ax 66%het snow!
Still waiting on the spider girls to lay.....
Awesome videos and great quality animals from people who know what they're doing! check them out you won't be disappointed!   Great site, awesome videos, and you know I love it when I get to see where my animals come from.... Just placed my order for some chow, crystal water and roaches (to expand my colonies) can't wait, maybe I'll do a review video.... look for it on my YouYube channe....